David Pressland has written 3 books all published by New Cavendish Books and all are now out of print.
‘Art of the Tin Toy’ was written in the early 1970’s and published in 1976. It gives a broad view of the history of tin toy production from the early 19th century to the 1960’s. It is a large format, profusely illustrated book that pictures many of our favourite toys as well as giving the history and trade marks of individual toy making companies. It is now considered a classic and is universally regarded as one of the key books that any collector should have in their toy library and even advanced collectors refer to their copy almost daily.
‘Art of the Tin Toy’ was published in English originally with German, French and Japanese co-editions. We try to buy secondhand copies whenever they are offered but we cannot guarantee to have all editions in stock. Please enquire about price and availability.
‘The Book of Penny Toys’ was first published in 1991 and illustrates more than six hundred different tin penny toys as well as lead, die cast, wooden and paper examples. It is the definitive book on the subject illustrating not only most of the well known penny toys but also having a glossary of trademarks and a chapter on identification.
We have bought the last remaining stock from the publishers and these are for sale at £40 each plus post/packaging.
The third book was published in 1995 and is aptly titled ‘Pressland’s Great Book of Tin Toys’. It is a profusely illustrated, lavishly produced volume with a tinplate insert on the cover that should be considered essential follow-on reading from ‘Art of the Tin Toy’. It illustrates many of the rarest and most exotic toys not covered in the original 1976 book.
We have bought the last remaining stock from the publisher and these are available at £65 each plus post/packaging.